Marieluise Beck

ehem. Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestags

Statement: The deteriorating Security Situation and Appeal to International Community

On behalf of Afghan Women, members of Women’s Political Participation Committee and members of Advocacy and lobby group for women’s rights in Afghanistan, we like to ask international community to continue their support for Afghanistan in establishing peace and security for all citizen.

After decades of war and instability Afghanistan has been able to achieve major break in its recent history, where girls are no more banned to go to school, women are allow to work in public domain in order to support the economy of their family and save their children from starving.

In spite of conservative elements inside the government and parliament and emerging obstacle now and then women have considerable presence in political arena, and achieved considerable ground for women and children through law and institutional structures.

However we are all concerned by the deteriorating security situation in the country, and the possibility of withdrawal of international troops while Afghan Army and Afghan Police force is not fully trained and equipped so far. This indeed can increase the threat and re-emergence of the bitter experience of civil war and Taliban domination which destroyed Afghanistan and affected the whole world in the recent years.

We believe that in an ideal sense no doubt that Afghans should stand on their own feet in defending the rights of their citizens, but unfortunately as the insurgent groups working and causing trouble in Afghanistan are part of an international terrorism and insurgency, hence to stop them, Afghanistan will need the support of international community.

We expect ALL international community partners for security and having a clear, long-term strategy a clear and inclusive strategy for all Afghanistan can ensure the well-being of Afghan citizen as well as the whole world.  Insecurity is a good bed for flourishing of narcotics and growth of extremism, which is not concern for Afghans only but the world in large.

We therefore call on all the concerned political parties, parliamentarians and governments in the Europe to consider their support for Afghan’s security forces in more longer term and invest with a more regional and global analysis of the situation  and  review of their policy of engagement for improving security and stop further deterioration.

Afghan Women’s Network (AWN)

Women’s Political Participation Committee (WPPC)

October 10, 2007